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Nothing is able to or can be modified to fire.
We make TF2 Props real! Our expert designers take great pride in delivering authentic, true-to-life designs meaning you get only the best. With over 22k hours of battle hardened experience, we guarantee no one has a more keen eye for detail than we do.
Our designs are optimized and tough as nails! Not only does this allow for unparalleled accuracy, but our products also have better finishes and last longer than similar 3D printed products on the market.
Have a TF2 prop you'd like to see in real life? We can craft it! Our customers consistently rate us 5 stars for going above and beyond.
Feel free to place a request through the contact form to receive a personalized quote.
Making your MANN CO dreams a reality.
banner art by mikadll Goodbye 2024 and welcome 2025! 2024 was one of the best years of our collective lives. We do what we do thanks to you all - which is delivering some of the best possible TF2 experiences money...
Consider yourself a big guy? Is your gun too "baby" to fight mean men? We've always prided ourselves on bringing you the most accurate representation of TF2's arsenal, but over the many orders we've fulfilled, differently sized customers have recognized...
Welcome back to PropFortress! Formerly plasticbruv at square.site, we are excited to reveal our brand new flagship store and to be working as harder than ever. Come and check out all the improvements and changes we have made! Catalogues have been revamped to be more...
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